Ecological principles of the Ayurveda Shunyata Villa ~ Sri Lanka

Ecological thinking and environmental protection in Sri Lanka are very important and a matter of course for us in the Ayurveda Shunyata Villa.
  • Our Ayurvedic kitchen uses only fresh ingredients of the highest quality, without any additives, and as far as possible from certified organic agriculture and from small farmers in our area of whom we know that they do not use artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides. As far as possible we use gas for cooking and baking since electricity in Sri Lanka is still a scarce and precious commodity.
  • Our service water we get from private wells.
  • For heating the water, we use solar power.
  • Unser energetisiertes Mineralwasser produzieren wir selbst und vermeiden dadurch auch unnötige Transporte von Trinkwassergallonen
  • We produced our energized water ourselves and avoid unnecessary transportation of water gallons this way.
  • All cleaning and detergents are biodegradable.
  • Since now gas-powered drying machines are available in Sri Lanka, we will replace the electric dryers in our laundry. Also in our laundry, the waste water is processed in a special organic purification system.
  • Our waste water is processed in an underground 3-chambers clarification system and then transported by a responsible company. It does not flow into the sea.
  • For our lighting, we predominantly use LED and energy-saving lamps and could reduce our power consumption in this area by 90%.
  • Our pool is equipped with an ionization system and provides healthy and healing water in drinking water quality. This allowed us to cut the use of chlorine down to 0 – 5%.
  • We are a living and breathing CSR (Corporate social responsibility) company.